Saturday, December 31, 2011

Welcome 2012

2011 was a mixed bag..I faced a serious challenge in work front but somehow got over it with a good new job, Arvind changed to a new job only to know that his previous organization shut doors in a few months after he quit...We thanked God for showing us the right path..
Then the heroine,Advitha ,though got hospitalized twice closed the year with 1.5 kg more than the previous year...with slightly improved eating level...and a toddler who loves her school

All's well that end's well....Thank you 2011...Welcome dear 2012...

My only aim would be to 'Keep thoughts positive and be a good mother'...:)

Santa Claus came to town

Our apartment organized the function-A big fat santa would be giving gifts to kids, as planned we got Adhu's favourite paint boxes, brushes, books, bubble giftpacked and gave to our association. Adhu was super excited to receive gifts from santa...
The D-day came and we were all thrilled . To our surprise (read horror) there were 800+ gifts to be distributed by Santa and we were the 100th+...God !I found it so difficult to control the super excited Advitha and some how the turn came; we made her to sit in santa's lap ;clicked some snaps and came off!!!God ! today's parents including us are super competitive...hope it does not transform into extra pressure for the kids

Friday, December 30, 2011

Thank you Appu athai

Adhu's aparna athai-the soon to be bride gifted Adhu this beauiful santa shoes which she wore the next day to school.... And the handful of choclates were devoured by Advitha's parents :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Azhagu rani

Brat always like to decorate herself...Look at her with these marraige accesories.She refused to remove these stuff for a long time

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Annual day and sports day

This is Adhu's first annual day ,held on Dec 8th, me and arvind took permissions and were at home at sharp 4 PM. By the time, Amma had made Advitha ready...lil one was too excited that she practised at home.
 The dress was given by her school and brat looked like one buffon (sorry dear for saying this)...we  fed her and dropped her at 4.30 types to school.

Then we were asked to leave.Me and Arvind utilized the time went to a nearby mall,had snacks and drove to the programme at  6.30 PM. We were too excited to see whether she will dance, or stand still or cry or dance nicely... we couldn't even sit that we stood at the corner at a vantage point and waited to see the kid. And not to mention, the big stage ,the bright lights all were intimidating!!!

To our surprise she indeed danced nicely...though it lasted for only a minute...she danced coherently along with other kids...adorable i should say :)

Sports day
The following saturday was sports day...we had made a scarf like thing ready which was supposed to be used as an accesory. She was standing in a row waiting to run. And indeed she ran as well... i think she came 4th or 5th,nevertheless it was uber cute to see her running with a smile....

One award for Adhu's mummy

I never thought i'll do this... beacuse everyday i sulk to go to office...might be good managers and good work profile has done the magic despite the hectic workprofile

Yes got the superachiever award

Drawing drawing---as a result

We got the table and chair for her after scouting so many places ... she loves this and wish she uses this to the max....
(Not to mention godaman expensive these stuff costs)